Our History
Shortly after arriving in Canada from the Netherlands in 1951, our father Jacob started growing seasonal cut flowers on rented land, while working part time for other growers. In 1972, Jerry and Peter joined their father in purchasing the property where we are currently located and Jac Kralt and Sons Greenhouses was started. After Jacob’s death in 1978, the business continued to grow, and we now have an operation consisting of 120,000 square feet of greenhouses and 5 acres of outdoor cut sunflower production. In 1998 the company was incorporated and became Kralt Greenhouses Ltd. In 2015 Jerry retired and Peter’s son and daughter-in-law, Jacob and Jasmine, took over his share of the business.
Our Mission
Our number one goal as growers is to provide quality products at competitive prices with outstanding customer service. Whether you are a small “Mom and Pop” shop or a large grocery chain we treat all our customers with the same level of care and service.
We proudly serve wholesale distributors, large and small grocery stores, garden centers, florists, convenience stores, as well as professional landscapers and gardeners.
We distribute our products through the Ontario Food Terminal Farmer’s Market and are located at Stalls 415, 416 and 417. We also offer wholesale delivery throughout southern Ontario. (some conditions apply)
We are also certified to sell our potted plants into the United States from September 30 to June 15.
At Kralt Greenhouses we strive to do our part to help reduce emissions and protect the environment. We heat our greenhouses with waste wood biomass. This carbon neutral fuel not only helps us to reduce our heating costs but also eliminates the need for fossil fuels and helps divert thousands of tons of material from landfills.
We also use reusable trays and pails for shipping our products. When these are not an option we use 100% recyclable cardboard boxes.
We also mange insects and disease by implementing an IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program. We scout our greenhouses weekly for pests and treat the problem areas with beneficial insects and biological control agents as much as possible. If pesticides are needed, they are pest specific, softer chemicals that do not harm other beneficial insects.
As a Christian family business, we live out our faith by living and working according to Biblical morals and values. We strive to do business with honesty and integrity as our Lord has called us to so that we bring glory to his name.
Unless the LORD builds the (Green) house, the builders labor in vain. Psalm 127:1